DNA-based approaches for fisheries monitoring

eDNA for Fisheries Monitoring - logo

[Top Image: Port of Bandim in the early morning, with arrival of local fishermen (Bissau, Guine-Bissau)]

This initiative aims to establish an Atlantic network for marine fish monitoring using DNA-based approaches. Once fully established, this network will provide broad-scale data to support scientific advise on sustainable management and conservation of fisheries resources and fish biodiversity all through the Atlantic.

To accomplish these goals we are supported by two projects : The A-Fish-DNA-SCAN – Cutting-edge DNA-based approaches for improved monitoring and management of fisheries resources along Magellan-Elcano’s Atlantic route; and the Fish-DNA-Monitor – Supporting monitoring and management of fisheries resources in Guinea-Bissau through capacity-building on cutting-edge DNA-based approaches. Partnerships have been established between academic, research and governmental institutions in Portugal, Cape Verde, Brazil, Guinea-Bissau and Spain, therefore assuring direct application of the project’s research and output.

The multidisciplinary project’s team integrates research experts covering the full sweep of competences and scientific background involved in the project’s topics, namely in DNA-based approaches for biomonitoring, ichthyoplankton identification and ecology, fish ecology and fisheries research, bioinformatics and statistics.

This initiative has also a very strong capacitation aspect, with multiple workshops and formations being developed in Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau, with the purpose of building scientific and technical capacity.

DNA-based approaches for fisheries monitoring was introduced in Webinar 4 of the OBON Network Spotlight series – view on YouTube.

[Bottom image: Participants in the Closing Workshop of Fish-DNA-Scan (Mindelo, São Vicente Island,  Cabo Verde)]

Lead Institute
Collaborating institutes
Project updates

Project period

28 August, 202021 January, 2026 

Joined OBON in June, 2022
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